How to add Waybill to PO?

Karina Demidenko
Karina Demidenko
  • Updated

Once you've created the PO and the Vendor has confirmed it, you should add the Carrier information to your Order so you can track it.


To do so, navigate to the Purchase Order page. Under Procurement, select the All PO's tab.








  • Choose the required one from the list. Use the Filter function under the Name of each column to speed up the process. Select the PO. Navigate to the Waybills section of the Items list in the Overview tab:





  • Click     Screenshot_at_Jun_13_15-26-36.png  button.


  • Choose Carrier, Delivery Date, Tracking Number (Optional), and Target Warehouse in the pop-up window.






Please keep in mind that you can change the quantity of the delivery with the specific Carrier. The order can be delivered in parts by different carriers on different dates:



Once you've added Waybills, you'll be able to see upcoming deliveries in the Delivery Calendar.



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How to receive in items in Warehouse?

How to view upcoming deliveries/orders in Calendar?

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