Can I delete a bill?

Karina Demidenko
Karina Demidenko
  • Updated

A frequently asked question is how to delete a bill. Some information may change during the process, requiring you to replace the current invoice with a new one or to leave it blank for a period of time.


There are 2 ways to delete it.


PO Overview page


  • Navigate to the Procurement tab and select All POs:





  • Select the required PO from the list and navigate to its overview page:


  • Navigate to the section Invoices and locate the attached invoice that needs to be deleted:






  • Select the Bill code. Click "Cancel" in the pop-up window, then type your comment and click "Yes":



The invoice was canceled. You can add new bills by clicking the "Add Bill" button.


Bills Section


This method is obviously much longer than the previous one. When you don't know the PO but know the Bill code or information about a specific Bill, you can find the required one attached to the PO and cancel it.


  • Go to the Bills section under the Procurement tab:






  • Find the correct Bill in the list of Bills. Use the Filter function in each column for a simple and quick process.
  • Once you've located the necessary Invoice, click on the PO:






  • On page of PO go to the section Bills
  • Open the Bill and in pop-up window click Cancel.


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